oldest known recordings of computer generated music
Check this article (click on the image) about the oldest record of computer music with "A scratchy recording of Baa Baa Black Sheep and a truncated version of In the Mood."

nieuwe tarieven op usb-sticks, blanco DVD's, harde schijven

Hier vind je de volledige lijst van nieuwe tarieven.
the pope: all rights reserved!

Read more and read also what The Pravda has to tell about it.
put an mp3 under the Xmas tree

The release consists of 9 hours, 38 minutes and 35 seconds of free creative commons music, and is compressed in a 1,3 Gbyte file.
You can download the zip-file or individual mp3's at the mothership, IA here: https://www.archive.org/details/The_Best_Creative_Commons_Music_Moments_in_2009
the musical trends that ruled last decade
Enjoy this sarcastic article about music industry's fostered hypes in "The Decade in Music Genre Hype: A solemn tribute to once-hot-shit trends that (mostly) won't be joining us in the '10s", by Christopher R. Weingarten, published in Village Voice.
"... Faster than you can tweet "Serena Maneesh," entire genres of music are "discovered" by attention-starved writers; bloggers engage in hilarious slap-fights about who was there first; magazines feel pressured into writing clueless, hackazoid, late-pass trend pieces; bands get elevated to a critical mass of attention they can't possibly handle; and the phenomenon is promptly abandoned once we find a newer, shinier toy to play with. ..."
"... Faster than you can tweet "Serena Maneesh," entire genres of music are "discovered" by attention-starved writers; bloggers engage in hilarious slap-fights about who was there first; magazines feel pressured into writing clueless, hackazoid, late-pass trend pieces; bands get elevated to a critical mass of attention they can't possibly handle; and the phenomenon is promptly abandoned once we find a newer, shinier toy to play with. ..."
how to start a netlabel

how to start a netlabel

attack in Leipzig with the Bo Mobil
From the famous reggae netlabel Jahtari: "Legendary Bo Marley gig in front of the supermarket at the Connewitzer Kreuz in Leipzig, the Jahtari homebase, jul 2008. Including the new tunes "Rollen Vorbai" and "Robotcar" plus their undying classic "Fleisch"."
no netwaves during winter holidays

This year not a white Xmas, but instead a chilly Whiteball, brought to you by Richard Savani from his Pool Club release.
free shipping!
Valiza Tools at it's best: as always rather artistic provocating with a cool electro twist.
"Tir� du prochain maxi de Francky Ride, r�alis� par Laa3"
"Tir� du prochain maxi de Francky Ride, r�alis� par Laa3"
3VOOR12 interview over Creative Commons
Eredoctoraat in Amsterdam voor Lawrence Lessig

image by creativecommoners - CC BY 2.0
Het eredoctoraat wordt uitgereikt door de UvA (Universiteit van Amsterdam) tijdens een viering op vrijdag 8 januari 2010.
Lessig is rechtsgeleerde aan de Harvard Law School en expert in informatierecht, voorvechter van vrijheid van cultuur en informatie op het internet.
Lessig is vooral bekend geworden als de initiator van het Creative Commons-stelsel dat
een wereldwijde standaard heeft opgeleverd voor gebruikslicenties op open content.
Het hele bericht kan je bij de UvA nalezen.
fresh electronic stuff

your new netwaves is here

Download or listen to [nws124] netwaves 4.10.

1 The Dream (Ecstasy) - BlackPanther
2 He decidido ser feliz (feat. La Monine) - Dr.800XL
3 No More Oxygen - Out_R
4 Silence (Solace) - Absorption
5 Heavens Cry - Argonika
6 Stonethrower - Bobby Wotnot feat. Lee Vernon & Pete Edwards
7 Everything's changing - Stereocolors
8 Say yes - Amp.Vitamin
9 Missing Time - Daegon
10 Windmill - FeldFunker
10 frustrations

With the tag "A very pissed off Zargon" the latter has blogged his frustrations in 10 rules in "An open letter to netlabels".
Image Credits: Bill Campbell via Flickr: cc:by-nc
Chet Baker sues record industry

Read the article by Michael Geist.
Monotonik on (permanent?) hiatus

You can listen again to netwaves' first episode (nws001): our start was intended as a symbolic honour to one of the oldest netlabels, Monotonik.
The whole goodbye / farewell by Simon.
first rap ever? from 1936:
excerpt from the documentary "Night Mail", poem by W. H. Auden, music Benjamin Britten. Copyright issues unknown: anyone there?
a dreamy trip with Soutien Gorge
'Fogkr�mes' - Video by Elt�vedt F�nycs�v�k. Release on Hungarian netlabel Complementary distribution.

your RWA (Recommended Weekly Amount)

Download or listen to [nws123] netwaves 4.09.

1 Raw - Siberian railway
2 Egyptian Dub - Culprate
3 Love not monnaie - Volfoniq feat. Tribuman
4 Vibra - D:redmoon
5 Lifetimes - Datatraxx
6 Memories - Datatraxx
7 Prokulin ft. Inkognito RMX - AC3PO
8 I Guess - Blaque Unit
9 Black creature (remix) - Masha Era
10 Sunrise - Okcug
Phlow's xmas tree

Let him explain it himself: "Each day you get a small mix tape with free music to download. The music was carefully selected by the worlds most active creative commons music freaks. They checked their hard drives for us and showcase their favorites. Open each day a door with the best creative commons music, the best netlabels and the best albums of 2009!"
Yesterday netwaves had the honour to provide the mixtape. Click, enjoy, and write some comments. We have to admit this concept is well done and the mixtape itself is clean and cool stuff.
bit by bit
Comfort Fit � Bit by Bit from their forthcoming release Polyshufflez on Tokyo Dawn Records.
Concept, hardcore stop-motion photography and post-production by Felix H�ffelmann and Phillip Frowein. Additional sound design by Comfort Fit.
Concept, hardcore stop-motion photography and post-production by Felix H�ffelmann and Phillip Frowein. Additional sound design by Comfort Fit.
Electronica 2.0

Electronica 2.0
Modern Russian electronic music, or as these people would say:
"??????? ??????! ???? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ?? 9 ???????. ???????? ???? ?????????! ?????????? ?????? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ???????? ??????."
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