
music for truckers

Music for trucks: Belgian collecting society Sabam wants to collect money on trucks, because in their opinion a truck is an extension of the factory floor, and factories (with more than 9 employees) already have to pay to Sabam. Netwaves comes to the rescue with 13 free fresh netlabel tracks for truckers.

Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws177 (new tab/window)

[nws177] netwaves 5.24: music for truckers

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1 Pazan (remix by Q squared) - Kaptain Dub feat. Al Amdiez
2 Witch Hunt - Bear and Lampshade
3 Vibratmosphere - Telemequaniqu�
4 Vesna Vnutri - Mujuice
5 So Beautiful - Tracing Arcs
6 Broken English (For Kelly) - 5-Foot Nothing
7 Dawn - Slow
8 IPutSpell - Neomai Gundislav
9 Vibe - Ender
10 Cochabamba - La Paz - Finlandia
11 48 - Sweet Wonder
12 Kitty's House of Horse - Taiga
13 3000 - DaLupune


interview netlabelism.com

This week netwaves interviews Simon from netlabelism.com. The interview is in Dutch.

Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws176 (new tab/window)

[nws176] netwaves 5.23: interview with netlabelism.com

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1 City lights - Anakord
2 pp final - stoika
3 underwater - Martin Schulte
4 The Human Mind - Acidrain
5 Pop - Pisu
6 Atmospheric Flower - Kosmonaut
7 Way Things Used To Be - Miku?
8 Backyard Prophet -Photophob
9 aenictus - helix nebula
10 Pale Cocoon - Clicks and Errors
11 Fox Fire - Renzu
12 Dinky Girl - Stratoliner


sharing is caring is sharing

contribution by Yannick:
I've come across an article about "sharing" by Russell Belk. It's quite scientifical, but he makes some interesting remarks about the nature of sharing which can be valuable in regard to the free music-debate.
According to Belk sharing is a fundamental consumer behavior. He gives the example of sharing with household members like we do with food, but also homes, furnishings, resources and other belongings are being shared frequently. Also besides the family-context, sharing things like recipes, directions, travel tips and other information is often more the rule than the exception. However, sharing is is often overlooked or confused with commodity exchange or gift giving. In this study he explores the differences between these different forms from a primarily economical point of view. He writes that there are no absolute distinctions between these categories but they're rather sharing fuzzy boundaries. For example, both sharing and gift giving have some elements that make them more communal, loving and caring than pure marketplace exchange, but sharing differs from gift-giving in the non-receprocal character of the action. "The infant who receives his or her mother's nurturing care and sustenance does not incur a debt. Nor does the child who receives food, shelter, and love from parents receive an itemized bill upon leaving the nuclear family home", says Belk.
Societal changes can affect the nature of sharing, notes Belk. Examples of threats to sharing may be the individualization of family phones and meals, the decline of free public education, and the shrinking of public broadcasting. On the other hand, the Internet provides many healthy models for increased sharing. Belk notes that forums, bulletin boards, blogs, social networking sites, wikis, open-source software development projects, and websites where people share expertise, advice, and opinions all contribute to a sharing community.
This online sharing environment however is threatened by a corresponding increase in intellectual property rights. Sharing versus proprietary ownership has entered a new and important era of contest in the digitalised society.
Belk provides some suggestions for promoting sharing in today's world. "I suggest that two keys to promoting contemporary sharing are an expanded sense of self that embraces other people more than other things and a greater sense of 'sharing in,' where possessions are seen as ours rather than mine and yours," Belk concludes.
article: https://doi.org/10.1086/612649 library: https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/606866509



Netlabels are famous for their electronic sound. This week netwaves will give proof with a selection of recent electronic topbits.

Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws175 (new tab/window)

[nws175] netwaves 5.22: e-waves

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1 Space Adventure - PiXtar
2 Multiverse - Spacebirds
3 Deep Drop - The Crossfaders
4 Going Downhill - Sebastian Love
5 Between forever and now - Arkhaios
6 Enjoy Alone - Himuro Yoshiteru
7 Don�t stop Bitch! - Covered Faces
8 Ghosts - Taiga
9 Arsenal - Beneboi
10 Unbounding Determination - Beneboi
11 Scratch You - 110ml
12 T-Echoes - Deto And Gleam



This week netwaves goes dub, dub, dub, dub, dub, ...

Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws174 (new tab/window)

[nws174] netwaves 5.21: dubwaves

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1 Sieb - Cie
2 Snow Dance (RusZUD 2010 Athem) - Ownsi Lense
3 Subwoofer Eater - Defazed
4 Evil Groove (Expozed Retouch) - Gr-oy
5 Boiling point - Maestropiano
6 Insane Christmas (Original cut) - Plastic Disco
7 The Sound of Concrete (Hecq 'Melting Streets' Remix) - Photophob
8 Scratch Me - 110ml
9 Chrono - Deto And Gleam
10 Submerse - Dr Freebs
11 La Macchina Elettronica - Gek


j'accuse: Sabam en bewijslast

Het E�n-programma Basta (https://www.een.be/programmas/basta/sabam-en-de-makro-artiesten) liet de voorbije weken de nodige portie stof opwaaien in ons kleine Belgen-landje. Ook onze vrienden van Sabam werden niet gespaard door de zelfverklaarde onrechtbestrijders. Naar aanleiding van deze aflevering is er op verschillende fora (https://www.homerecording.be/forum/t24260-5.htm) een heuse polemiek ontstaan rond het doen en laten van de beheersvennootschap. Een interessant punt dat daar naar boven kwam is dat van de bewijslast. Momenteel gaat Sabam er in haar procedures van uit dat er altijd gebruik gemaakt wordt van haar repertoire en verwachten ze van de gebruiker om het tegendeel te bewijzen als ze willen vrijgesteld worden van heffing. Aangezien er geen enkele wettelijke uitzondering gemaakt wordt inzake bewijslast voor beheersvennootschappen, valt ook Sabam echter onder het algemeen bewijsrecht. Bij gevolg is het dus volgens artikel 870 van het Gerechtelijk Wetboek en artikel 1350 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek aan Sabam om te bewijzen dat de gebruikte werken deel uitmaken van haar repertoire en niet andersom! Reeds in 2004 werd dit bevestigd in het antwoord op een parlementaire vraag gesteld door Bart Tommelein (https://lvb.net/item/877). Het lijkt er echter op dat Sabam ongestoord verder doet, hoog tijd om ''basta'' te zeggen...

bijdrage van Yannick


new fresh popsongs

Our newest teammember Yannick compiled this week's episode. Expect more poppy netlabel tunes.

Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws173 (new tab/window)

[nws173] netwaves 5.20: new fresh popsongs

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1 The Power of Something (excerpt) - Rumo Josuttis & Zatina Kessl
2 Boku-Maru - Felix and Volcano!
3 We'll Become Parentheses (My First Trumpet Remix) - Petula
4 Funkbuster - Dr Freebs
5 Rei Dos Reis - Dubalizer
6 Commodore - Pisu
7 Bloody Tears - Kupa
8 Grand Junction - Computer Magic
9 Still dancing - If There Is Something
10 Plastic & Flashing Lights - Professor Kliq
11 Don't care about my YO! (Calcutta Bubbles edit) - The Phonograph
12 Moctezuma (Bebop remix) - Illstm/Bebop
13 FRDM? - Felix and Volcano!