Netwaves 3.12 explores the new 'n0theen'. From Kreislauf's Mogwai: "notheen is a new 24/7 opensource audio / netaudio stream. we started dec 1st our beta-version and will go out on jan 1st. we play only opensource audio and also netaudio under creative commons licence in 128 kbps/stereo. 50 listeners can listen to the stream in the beginning.
the project was installed by nicolas notheen from budapest, but pst he is also a well known artist from my own netlabel kreislauf. at the moment there are some regular weekly and monthly shows at notheen, like: Kreislauf.FM, n�C�...clast, Machtdose Podcast, OC-Records and others.
some shows are live, others a recorded show. for weekends we plan some dj-shows with netaudio-mix-labels and/or djs."
And guess what, these lovely guys have also programmed our very own Netwaves.
Thanks folks!
I've put a link in the section links>listen.
Download or listen to nws088.
01. Yira Yira - La Nueva Guardia
02. Red H - Beak
03. Another Day in the Sun - Crystal Clear
04. Day by Day - Cantaloup
05. Delirious - Alkor
06. You're not Going Anywhere - Brad Sucks
07. Clouds Shifting (Reprise) - Wacky Southern Current
08. Stand and Bleed - Chromatron
09. Deep Thought - Auto Pilot
10. Gimme - Christine
11. Second Coming - NGC 1365
12. Hostile - Crookram
13. Boo Boo Song - Francisco Pinto