This warm week (25 C� in Belgium already) we offer some warm beats from the newest netlabel releases.
Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws183 (new tab/window)
[nws183] netwaves 5.30: warm spring, warm beats

1 endor - Emmerichk
2 Human nature is so deceiving - Yarkouy a.k.a. TSO
3 Up1 - DjCode
4 Battlestar II - Bin�rpilot
5 Ultimate - Strobotone
6 I Believe In You - Tree, Bosier
7 Path - ShtiFt
8 Paradise Structure - TkY
9 Fenix - H�stoperan
10 Qwertyfour - Legobyte
11 Hazim - L'oniraunote