Music for trucks: Belgian collecting society Sabam wants to collect money on trucks, because in their opinion a truck is an extension of the factory floor, and factories (with more than 9 employees) already have to pay to Sabam. Netwaves comes to the rescue with 13 free fresh netlabel tracks for truckers.
Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws177 (new tab/window)
[nws177] netwaves 5.24: music for truckers

1 Pazan (remix by Q squared) - Kaptain Dub feat. Al Amdiez
2 Witch Hunt - Bear and Lampshade
3 Vibratmosphere - Telemequaniqu�
4 Vesna Vnutri - Mujuice
5 So Beautiful - Tracing Arcs
6 Broken English (For Kelly) - 5-Foot Nothing
7 Dawn - Slow
8 IPutSpell - Neomai Gundislav
9 Vibe - Ender
10 Cochabamba - La Paz - Finlandia
11 48 - Sweet Wonder
12 Kitty's House of Horse - Taiga
13 3000 - DaLupune